October 5 2016

Getting Warmer By The Year

By looking at the data from 2016, scientists are sure that 2016 is all set to be the warmest year of all. It is estimated that the temperatures for the first nine months have been 1.2C more than the average temperature as per World Meteorological Organization. One of the major contributors towards this temperature rise has been the increasing CO2 emissions. According to the reports September has been the highest of all months since 1961-90.

There are still couple of months before this year could come to an end. However, preliminary analysis indicates that 2016 has been warmer than 2015 which was already warmer than 2014. If this is the case in western countries, parts of Arctic Russia also is impacted by this temperature rise that has contributed to more than 6C to 7 C increase in their usual average temperature.

Arctic ice has continued melt in significant amounts and the Greenland ice sheet also started melting early in the year 2016. El Nino phenomenon alsos ees to have played a role for the warm temperatures in the years 2015 and 2016. the warming of the greenhouse gases is adding more temperature than the El Nino effect.

Scientists are trying to emphasis more on the effects of climate change and the need to make people aware of what is good and what is not for the planet. Therefore, it is time for everyone to come together stronger and fight this battle to keep our planet safe.

Posted October 5, 2016 by Chuck Hankey in category "World

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