May 17 2016

How Safe Are The Genetically Modified Crops?

Genetically engineered crops have been around for quite some time and they are considered to be harmful to human beings and it causes many side effects. Recent studies have shown that these crops are not only safe for humans and animal and also they do not cause cancer, obesity, kidney disease etc. National Academies of Science recently released a detailed report listing out the benefits.

Initial ground work on this report started about two years ago and the research was conducted by more than 50 scientists and researches from various fields such as agriculture, engineering and medicine. The observation was result of more than 900 studies and covers data that has been available for more than 20 years. Which means the research was done ever since the first genetically modified crop was introduced.

These crops were beneficial in terms of saving money for the farmers in United States. But the yield from these crops were not much. The pest infestation was also lowered in some areas but in other areas cultivating these crops lead to herbicide resistant weed growth. Also, no evidence has been collected to prove that the GE crops affect the population of butterflies.

The review that was conducted was thorough and systematic. It took into consideration many of the issues that are commonly raised about the genetically modified crops.

The genetic material of these plants was artificially modified so that they have the characteristics that the other crops might not possess. Two of the most important characteristics were the ability to resist pests and withstand the effects of the herbicides that are used.

In order to understand whether the crops are safe for humans or not, the disease reports from various states in United State and Canada were compared against the countries where the consumption of such plants are less. It was observed that there was no correlation between the two. There was also no impact on the long-term pattern of consuming genetically modified foods.

January 31 2016

Obama’s Final Farewell Speech Is Riddled With Cautionary Tales

obamas speech

With his term coming to an end, Barrack Obama, the former president of the United States of America bid an emotional farewell to the crowds, with words of praise for his family and their staunchest supporter, Joe Biden. Despite the emotional aspect of the meeting, President Obama found it necessary to use his final farewell speech in Chicago here to outline the impending threats to the democratic way of life and pressed for a more optimistic outlook for a country that has been divided by the political poison of the 2016 presidential elections. Americans have been pitted against one another and the country is more politically divided than it has ever been.

He expressed his concern that people of moral standing are afraid to enter the cesspool that has become American politics and that candidates are becoming more malevolent with each term. He added that instead of simply blaming the leaders and the system for being corrupt; people should question why they chose to elect them in the first place. Obama also fretted over the rising anti-immigrant sentiment and economic inequality, warning that al that will be left for the colored minority and middle class white workers if the problem mitigated were the scraps of the wealthy. He claimed that though there were serious talks of an end to racial discrimination in America after his term, he believed that it was never a possibility as much of America’s potency lies in this division of races.


While the last few months of Obama’s presidency tested his mettle, starting with violent shootings, he said that this called for Americans to pay attention to their representatives and to the political scenario. The gathered crowd including White House staffers, celebrities and supporters gave the event the somber feel of a wake. In a passionate call for empathy and equality, Obama ended his speech with the catchphrase that he first introduced during his presidential campaign “Yes We Can”.

Read also – Sky News | Radio News Bulletin